Newton Public School



Primary Stage

Grade I - IV

Elementary education is crucial in a child’s educational path. Elementary education is the stage at which students gain critical reading and numeracy abilities, broaden their knowledge across several topics, and learn crucial life skills. Elementary education is the stage at which students gain key reading and numeracy abilities, broaden their knowledge across several topics, and cultivate vital life skills such as problem-solving, communication, and resilience.

As educators, we have the luxury of instilling a love of learning, stimulating curiosity, and laying a solid educational foundation.
We try to establish a welcoming and inclusive learning atmosphere that promotes active involvement, critical thinking, and collaboration.
As teachers, we accept the duty of instilling a lifetime love of learning in our pupils, enabling them to attain their full potential, and preparing them for future academic difficulties.

It is a pleasant experience to see how primary education instills development, passion, and confidence in our pupils, creating a solid basis for their future success.

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